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January 11, 2021 @ 1:00PM — March 6, 2021 @ 11:00AM Central Time (US & Canada)
https://hedwigdances.networkforgood.com/events/25231-winter-2021-hedwig-dances-virtual-classes | To REGISTER FOR WINTER CLASSES Copy and paste the link provided here in your web browser
Hedwig Dances invites dancers and movers of all levels of expertise. We're offering classes for everyone as follows:
Weekly classes begin Monday Oct 5th and end on Wednesday Nov 25th, 2020.
Monday AfroCuban Class | 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Instructor: Olivia Gonzalez
Wednesday Intermediate Modern | 10:00 am - 11:00 am | Instructor: Jacob Buerger
Thursday Stretching/Strengthening | 9:30 am - 10:30 am | Instructor: Rigo Saura
Friday Cuban Salsa Class | 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Instructor: Jessie Gutierrez
More information about class and instructors below:
Mondays at 1 pm - Afro-Cuban Class - All Levels:
Olivia demonstrates the basic steps of Afro-Cuban dance, which are rhythmic, energetic, and also fun. These dances transport you to the past as you learn their history. Basic Afro-Cuban dance includes the movement of shoulders, arms, legs and hips. Each class will begin with these basics, building upon the movements to create more elaborate phrases and improve coordination.
Afro-Cuban dances arose in Cuba during the 15th and 16th centuries, as the slave trade between Africa and Cuba continued, and are based on the worship of forest deities and belief in natural powers. We will work on the Arara and Congo cycles, moving into the dances of the Palo, Yuka and Makuta.
Women may wear a skirt and sport shoes to support the movement. Chanting and drums are an integral part of the experience.
Olivia Gonzalez graduated from the National School of Art in Havana, Cuba. Following graduation, she danced for four years with Retazos Dance Theater where she participated in many international festivals in Canada, Uruguay and the United States, and performed in Transits – Havana, an international dance collaboration between Sweden and Cuba. Currently, Olivia dances with Concert Dance, Inc. and Hedwig Dances. Olivia joined Hedwig Dances in 2018.
Wednesdays at 10:00 am - Intermediate Modern:
Jacob welcomes dancers and movement artists to a multifaceted intermediate modern class. He encourages participants to take risks throughout the movement material by focusing on following and breaking momentum, exploring weight in the body, and finding clarity in space. He will facilitate students’ focus on intrinsic connections between body and mind, establishing a kinetic, intuitive interface between impulse and its expression through movement.
Jacob Buerger is a Chicago based performer and teacher. He earned his BFA in dance from Columbia College of Chicago and has performed works by Emma Draves, Carrie Hanson, and Vershawn Sanders-Ward; in addition to performing with The Puzzle League and dancing for Same Planet Performance Project. In addition, he is working towards his certification in Thai Body Work. Buerger joined Hedwig Dances in 2018.
Thursdays at 9:30am – Stretching/Strengthening Class - For All Levels:
In this stretching and strengthening workout class, instructor Rigo Saura will lead you in movements designed to relieve muscle tensions and loosen tight joints. You can improve body health and well-being through this well-structured series of movements that will focus on the breath as your inner source of power, while providing strength and flexibility. Movers and dancers of all levels, beginners and beyond, will benefit from this class.
Rigoberto Fernandez Saura graduated from Havana’s Escuela Nacional de Cuba and the Instituto Superior de Arte with a degree in dance. He danced as a soloist with Danza Contemporánea de Cuba (2008-2012) and served as a professor of dance at the National School of Contemporary Dance in Havana. He moved to Ecuador in 2013 where he danced as a soloist in the National Ballet of Ecuador and served as choreographic assistant to Pepe Hevia. Mr. Fernandez Saura was composition master in the Metropolitan School of Ecuador and choreographed performances for Ecuador’s Urban Ballet. He recently moved to Chicago where he dances with Hedwig Dances and teaches at the Ruth Page School of Dance.
Fridays at 1 pm - Cuban Salsa Class - All Levels:
Jessie will introduce the basic footwork of Cuban Salsa. As classes progress she will expand upon the information, as students learn footwork, body isolations, musicality and turns as well as arm styling to complement their dancing.
Here's the good news: you don't need a partner to learn or dance salsa. A great advantage of this dance is that you can dance salsa as an individual OR with a partner. It's both.
Jessie Gutierrez is a Cuban-born dancer. She studied at the prestigious Escuela Nacional de Arte – National School of Art in Havana, during which time she participated in Holland’s Its International Theatre School Festival. In 2002, she performed with Danza Contemporánea de Cuba, touring to England, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Italy, Hong Kong, Mexico, Austria and Hungary. She became a principal dancer in 2006 and worked with internationally recognized choreographers Jan Linkens, Cathy Marston, Rafael Bonachela, Carlos Junior Acosta, Samir Akika, Luca Bruni and Kenneth Kvarnström. Upon moving to Chicago, Jesse started performing with Hedwig Dances.